Webfleet on the power of integrating telematics and training

For most businesses, keeping their drivers safe on the road is the number one priority. To be able to track and monitor vehicles, as well as foster safe, responsible driving, is a powerful skill that can set businesses apart from their competitors. 

However, driver training is no small task. Businesses often find themselves asking these questions: How much training should they be providing? How can they improve communication with drivers to ensure their on-road safety? How can they adapt their training system to accommodate an increasingly remote workforce?

To reach the heart of these questions, Webfleet Solutions is joining hands with microlearning platform Yarno this coming Tuesday, March 1st 2022 at 10am, taking a deep dive into the ways businesses can use microlearning to improve driver behaviours and overall workplace safety.

To attend the free webinar, simply register here.

The purpose of microlearning

Microlearning, as the name suggests, is learning delivered in small doses.

It’s bite-sized chunks of knowledge, delivered at the most crucial points in the learning process.

The content can be re-delivered from time to time for maximum knowledge retention and behaviour change.

So, what does this mean for telematics and driver training?


Gamification uses traditional game mechanics to engage and motivate, making small modifications to everyday behaviours.

When applied to fleet vehicles, this could mean improving driver behaviour, reducing maintenance costs, improving the fleets’ green credentials and better adhering to health and safety requirements.

Take speeding as an example. Although speeding tickets shouldn’t occur on a company’s balance sheet, they continue to appear inevitably.

To overcome this, vehicles need to be monitored to ensure speed limits are adhered to. However, tracking driver behaviour can leave them feeling scrutinised and mistrusted.

This is when gamification comes into play to incentivise good behaviour and responsibility, rather than criticising the bad. 

A personalised approach

Traditional drivers training courses tend to take a one-size-fits-all approach by following a comprehensive syllabus.

While this is perfect for learners and those with zero driving experience, it may not work for experienced fleet drivers. 

Each driver is unique and needs improvement in different areas, whether it’s speeding, harsh braking or checking their phone unconsciously while driving.

Microlearning is delivered virtually, meaning it can be tailored to fit the individual driver’s learning goals and needs.

Microlearning software can be used to skip over the things one already knows and help them concentrate on the weaker areas.

Webfleet Solution presents: The Power of Integrating Telematics and Training

Webinar, Tuesday March 1st, 2022 10:00AM – 10:30AM AEDT

Register here.

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